Microferme ‘Moulin Les Riaux’ is joining the many islands of land managed with the core purpose of developing a nurturing cohabitation with all forms of life there. The permaculture movement, building on indigenous practice and understandings, has been changing the lenses through which people view their relationship with the earth for over 50 years. MLR will be a theatre for one family to delve into the opportunities and challenges of seeking greater self-reliance and right living while taking our place within the natural world.
This small parcel of land offers many possibilities which can be developed over time. Our starting focus is working to improve the soil to grow and raise a large proportion of our food, extending accommodation opportunities to allow other people to join us, experimenting with cultivation of woodland mushrooms, uniquely suited to this environment, to develop and sell. Next phases will involve developing appropriate technology to conserve and utilise as much as possible of the sunlight and water in which the property bathes, using this energy to create more life and diversity.
Seeking to identify and reduce the pollution and waste which are blighting our planetary life support systems, we aim to bring beauty and harmony to this corner of France, where people can thrive more closely within this natural environment. This journey will involve as many people as possible, sharing and exchanging our experiences, skills and vision for a world which is just, beautiful and sustainable; visitors, paying guests, campers and students will be welcomed, with plans for a natural spa, access (including disabled) to woodland, craft and permaculture workshops and an arts performance space.